How to Become a Self Employed

How to Become a Self Employed | 5 Ideas for Your Business

Offering your own products, promoting other products through affiliate marketing or advertising others: These are just a few examples of how you can earn money independently on the Internet. As big as the internet is, there are just as many different ways of building a business online. We will bring you closer to 5 of these variants in this article.

Building a business on the Internet is now possible without much effort. On the other hand, it is more difficult to establish your own business and assert yourself against the competition. Because of the simple access for beginners, the competition is correspondingly high. In this article, we want to introduce you to 5 ways you can make money on your own online.

This is how you can earn money independently on the internet


Whether you start offering your products that were previously only sold offline online or whether you create a completely new online shop: both offer you the opportunity to earn money independently on the internet. The advantage today: There are numerous ready-made shops that you only have to change to your desired colors and fill with content. Reputable providers will provide you with a state-of-the-art website with a stable server and the most important functions. Of course, you have less leeway there than if you set up the online shop yourself.

The challenge of having your own online shop is, on the one hand, to stand out from the competition. For this you have to convince the crawlers of the search engines, above all Google, both technically and in terms of content, by focusing on search engine optimization. On the other hand, you have to convince with a good user experience and exemplary customer service. This starts with navigating in your online shop and extends to simple payments and fast receipt of orders. If you can’t handle the logistics yourself, you can also rely on drop shipping.


In fact, many success stories also started with a blog that generated notoriety before the operators became experts in their industries and focused on other platforms. Nevertheless, you can also earn money with blogging. You can offer Google Ads on your blog and earn income from it. Likewise, authors on particularly popular sites that are read a lot are sought-after cooperation partners. Then you write, for example, test reports on a product that fits the topic of your blog and place advertising links in your posts, for which you are paid by your cooperation partners. This goes directly into another business model with which you can earn money independently on the Internet: that affiliate marketing.


As an affiliate partner, you recommend a product and receive a commission from the provider for purchases made through your recommendation. It is the most common partnership in the online business of well-known personalities. Anyone who has a high reach shares the cooperation partner’s product on their social media platform and recommends buying it. With a correspondingly high reach, numerous sales can be achieved through such cooperation. There are various affiliate networks that connect companies and affiliates alike so that you can find products there that you really want to advertise and can be successful with. It is not uncommon for affiliates to also be active as influencers.


An increasingly widespread childhood dream is: to become an influencer. These also often use affiliate marketing, after all it is their main business to earn money independently on the Internet through advertising posts. Unlike blogs or other websites, they are active in the field of social media and use platforms such as YouTube, Instagram or TikTok for their influencer marketing. The most successful influencers with a large community can already generate large sums of money with a single post.


If you like writing texts, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a blog to earn money independently on the internet. As a freelance writer, you have the opportunity to write freely about the topics that interest you. There are numerous platforms that companies with specific orders can use to search for texts. To do this, you have to register on the respective site, but with good work and correspondingly positive reviews, you can quickly build up a high reputation and consequently demand more money for your texts.

Conclusion: You can do a lot on your own business online

These were just 5 examples of how you can earn money independently on the internet. A tidy sum can be earned both by selling your own products or services and by advertising them. The good thing about it for you: You are free to choose the topics you want to deal with in your self-employment. Have you already built a business but want to generate more? Then we recommend our free webinar. There, online business mastermind will show you cost-efficient strategies with which you can draw large streams of visitors to your site. Sign up directly!

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